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Mental Health Awareness

Step into a world of raw honesty, compassion, and understanding. Join me on a journey through the complexities of depression and anxiety, as I share my personal experiences and insights. This blog is a safe space for those battling these invisible enemies, offering words of empathy and guidance to help navigate the storm. Whether you're seeking comfort, validation, education, or simply a deeper understanding of mental illness, you'll find support and solidarity here. Let's break the stigma together and shine a light on the path to healing.

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Finding My Worth in God Alone

“I spent years chasing approval, bending over backward to make people like me, and avoiding conflict at all costs. I sacrificed my feelings,

He Turned My Mourning Into Joy

If you’re still in the darkness, feeling weighed down and alone, I want to encourage you to keep fighting. I know it’s hard, and I know it f

Diary of an Exhausted Introvert

There’s something hilariously tragic about how much energy I spend avoiding people. Social interactions aren’t just tiring—they’re an extrem

Bible Affirmations App

Click the orange button below to open and download the app into your phone or computer.

Are Affirmations a Scam?

I was never a person who believed in affirmations mainly because I grew up with very low self-esteem and no self-confidence so every...

Addicted to Depression

At the beginning of 2020 just before I got diagnosed with severe depression, I noticed something and it was more of a pattern that had...

Prayer is a Hoax

From a very young age I was taught to pray. I prayed out of gratitude, to thank the Lord for his goodness and providence and I also...

My Anxiety & Phone Calls

For as long as I can recall I ‘ve never been a fan of making phone calls or receiving them. For a long time, I had no idea why but to be...

God, Mental Struggles & Me

I was introduced to God at a very young age or rather God introduced himself to me at a very young age. I cannot even remember how old I...

The Defenses

Lay them down Sethe. Sword and shield, both of them down. Down by the riverside. Sword and Shield. Don't study war no more, lay all that...

Church and Depression

I’ve had mental issues for as long as I can remember, even though I had no idea then that it was mental issues. I remember how I...

A never ending struggle

Battling anxiety is no child’s play. People with anxiety feel like they have to put in more effort to living life than other people. They...


I love solitude and I hate solitude. Yes, it's confusing right? Well, this is me all day, every day. I don’t want friends over at my...

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is not something that just comes or happens out of nothing, it is actually a result of our previous bad experiences, it is born...

Her Armour

Hi I’m Siphokazi. This blog is about my experiences battling depression and anxiety and everything I have learnt so far.

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Colorful Crystal


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